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diode rectifier control system

diode rectifier control system

product number: zzx10
this system provides user-friendly plc control of diode rectifiers via a customer friendly touch screen hmi. it is based on a specialized saturable reactor current stabilization controller.

  • able to provide general control for rectifier series comprising multiple rectifying units such as electrochemical and electrometallurgy rectification stations

  • a general human-machine interface with touch screen, to realize remote operation, fault alarming and status display for all rectifying power supply equipment in the rectifying station

  • current setting for each unit and the rectifier series, and automatic current stabilization adjustment and control for the closed-loop of the series

  • integrated automatic control for voltage ups and downs of load switches in each and every unit

  • data collection and monitoring of the series, protection for over-current, dc open circuit, deviation, etc. in the series

  • network data communication with ethernet or other interfaces with the comprehensive automation system in the host computer
